
We created heart-shaped animals! 

In February, we worked on Valentines and farm animals so we created paper crafts and shared them in a collaborative presentation on Google Slides.

Watch this video created by Class 1B! How many animals can you name?

You can find them in this Padlet, too. (eTwinning project First Graders Learn English 2022). 

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„Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“

„Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“

„Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“ Učenici 1. a, 1. b i 1. c razreda sudjelovali su u projektu „Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“. Radi se o nacionalnom, volonterskom projektu s ciljem očuvanja krškog podzemlja i zaustavljanja daljnjeg uništavanja jama. S obzirom na to da se...

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