Love and friendship

We need more silly love songs in our lives! Let’s dance and talk about love. Happy Valentine’s Day! heart

Dancing to Silly love songs was hilarious for 3rd graders from OŠ Nikola Tesla, Rijeka, Croatia (created as part of the eTwinning project)

What is love for 3rd graders? 


Learn English in a fun way with the music video and the lyrics of the song “Silly Love Songs” by Paul Mccartney And Wings

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„Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“

„Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“

„Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“ Učenici 1. a, 1. b i 1. c razreda sudjelovali su u projektu „Ambasadori Čistog podzemlja“. Radi se o nacionalnom, volonterskom projektu s ciljem očuvanja krškog podzemlja i zaustavljanja daljnjeg uništavanja jama. S obzirom na to da se...

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