Numbers Dear pupils, play these games and learn the numbers. Numbers 11 -20 Numbers 20 – 30 We played 1, 2, 3, Buzz! It was so much fun! Just count around a circle replacing certain numbers with the word “buzz”. It’s a fantastic game to develop...
Getting to know you Dear pupils, introduce yourselves! Download the attached document and answer the questions. Then watch the video where the third graders introduced themselves using ChatterPix and created their iMovie....
My body Ponovimo zajedno životinje i dijelove tijela! Hvala našim drugašima koji su sudjelovali i pomogli u izradi videa i digitalnih igara. Pogledajte video učenika 2.a razreda i ponovite dijelove tijela. Video je napravljen u sklopu aktivnosti eTwinning projekta...
School objects Let’s practice school vocabulary! This eBook was created as part of the eTwinning project “First Graders Learn English 2022”. We contributed with a video and a digital game. Enjoy!...